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  • Preparation and lodgement of Taxation Returns for Individuals, and Business structures e.g. Companies, Trusts, Partnerships, and self-managed superannuation funds.

  • Lodge information with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), in relation to compliance obligations e.g. Business Activity Statements.

  • Represent clients in dealings, disputes and audits as required with ATO.

  • Property taxation issues, including developers and investors.

  • Represent clients in relation to taxation disputes at administrative bodies and instruct counsel in court disputes.

  • Taxation obligations attending to deceased estates.

  • Taxation consulting advice in relation to issues arising for our business clients, such as the small business capital gains tax concessions, Division 7A in relation to loans from private companies to associates, employee/contractor issues and personal services income and its tax treatment.

  • Taxation of trusts and advice in relation to legislative changes and ATO interpretation in this evolving area.

  • Succession planning and the tax implications of clients succession plans.

  • Dealing with Australian tax for foreign companies and their employees.

  • The tax issues associated with professionals trading in public practice.

  • The tax issues arising from family law financial settlements and strategies for achieving the best outcome for our clients.

  • Tax issues associated with property development.

  • Tax planning to ensure clients are well aware of their tax obligations on a timely basis.

  • Preparation of income tax returns and assistance with activity statements and variations to quarterly instalment obligations.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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